Thursday, October 4, 2007

Latino's in the Ken Burns documentary

I just read the article about Ken Burns' WWII documentary, and the complaints people had that Latino's weren't represented at all. I think this is ridiculous.

Sure, a big problem with stereotyping is the negative perception it creates of many people, but it has created an almost reverse effect too. Now, not only are people fighting against being viewed negatively, but they are going to the extreme's to make sure they have as many things out there that cause them to be viewed positively. In this way, they are putting themselves in a stereotype. Basically, people want to be individuals and free from stereotypes and groupings, then insist that their group is not represented well. This doesn't make sense to me.

Ken Burns was not trying to leave out Latino's, he was just telling his story like it happened. So what if a certain group wasn't acknowledged, inflated, emphasized. Not everything has to have an equal amount of "race representation". Are we always going to complain either that we are being negatively represented or not represented enough? We can't eat our cake and have it too.

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